2:37 AM

Fukushima protective wall of ice to the water contamination insulate

nuclear energy is dangerous and can nature over a long period of time destroy away. The situation in Japan is two years after the reactor accident from Fukushima is still very serious. The area is contaminated and penetrate every year, if you will believe official figures, between 300 to 600 tons of radioactively contaminated water in the sea of ​​the coast of Japan. Tepco, the company continues to try and bring the situation under control almost in vain. Another new idea to plug the leaks in the nuclear plant Fukushima is: A Wall of nitrogen ice .

solution for Fukushima

Okay. For the next few hundreds to thousands of years, there is nothing in Fukushima what you could save. The area around the reactor, which severely damaged on 11 March 2011 by a tsunami triggered a nuclear disaster and so is completely contaminated. The biggest problem is that the company Tepco and the Japanese government, the situation can be very difficult to bring under control. The reactor complex resembles a giant radioactive battlefield – like the one in Chernobyl and that those responsible are still searching for the right solutions – which does not exist in principle -., But something must indeed her

wall of ice to save Fukushima

To stop the damaged reactors and the radiation Tepco and the government is now planning to move to the reactor building at the site a huge nitrogen ice wall . This ice wall will mainly take care of the radioactive water, let it freeze before it will no longer inexorably passes through the base into the sea. If and when the idea of ​​an ice-Walls is implemented is again questionable, however, and even if – it would take another 2-3 years until it is

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