11:14 PM

Assad – to be an uncomfortable situation between East and West. Photo: aei-ideas

The U.S. President Barack Obama, as well as the French François Hollande and other high-ranking animals in economy and politics in and around Europe and the U.S. it slowly enough. The Syrian conflict has no end and it is not possible despite billions support to overthrow the government of the dictator Bashar al-Assad. Why can distribute by any people from wildly foreign countries from his own country? Behind the scenes probably play off things that would not fit in a normal sense, therefore, should not degenerate into that here, but come to the point. In the event of an attack on the U.S. Syria, the Arab countries, the French are guaranteed get involved, anyway, and NATO in general probably are. A new map shows known positions on Syria of weapons systems that can provide all the allies in case of war available to NATO. These weapons systems could make the Gar Syria in the shortest time and with the highest precision, of course, only if not the Americans and their allies get in the way Russia or China.

map for Syria conflict


The map shows a total of 10 bases, ports of ships and submarines Messenger, the newest missile systems such as military airports. Syria is almost as Iraq and Afghanistan once were, surrounded by the Allies. Only the East could stand against the superior forces of the West, but whether this happens may be doubted. From top to Turkey and Europe, the Arab countries such as Bahrain, Qatar, the French, etc. comes from the south of the West with the Americans. For Syria, there is little hope to get out of this tricky situation. The Western countries there want to finally calm returns.

your opinion on the Syria conflict

We would be interested in what you know about the Syrian conflict, what is your opinion on the plans of the Americans and its allies have and how you see the future? If the Syria conflict degenerating and tearing a wide gap between East and West? Share your knowledge with us and write us a comment below in the same area

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