1:13 PM


Etailment main stage at Summit 2013 in Berlin

The Ecommerce Trends for 2014 and the next developments in interactive Trade was the main topic at Etailment Summit of 6-7th November 2013 in Berlin at the top speakers from the industry their experiences, strategies and actions betrayed, so as not to miss the boat in online trading . It also showed that e-commerce is becoming more and reintegrated into the offline trading . But technological progress continues – or as DHL Parcel CEO Dr. Andrej Busch put it:

“Our generation is to work through Damn all the technologies that we have seen on Star Trek ‘

multichannel, omni & Coffee is king

BVH (Federal Association of the German mail order) President Thomas Lipke opened the conference and presented some interesting figures in the development of e-commerce. Other speakers were u.å. Dr. Andrej Busch (CEO of DHL package), Luis Hanemann (Partners Trust Agents, former CMO Rocket Internet), Dietmar Dahmen (Xio / Adobe), Sebastian Grebasch (Zalandao), and more.

e-commerce grows more than expected

e-commerce share in the German mail-order business in 2013 rose significantly more than expected to an estimated 39.8 billion euros compared to 27.6 billion in 2012, contributing significantly to the total turnover of the Shipping dealer at. The non-online sales, however, declined by about 1/3 of back 12.3 billion in 2012 to 8.2 billion in 2013. This decline was more than offset by the e-commerce sales.

from multi-channel about Cross Channel to Omni Channel

Potential buyers use in their buying process multiple media and distribution channels. To communicate only about 1 or 2 channels is not enough sometimes. All channels such as social media, offline, TV, mobile, online stores, physical stores, etc. should be used combined.

Evolution in multi-channel business

Evolution in multi-channel business

be on the sofa buying decisions like

Good news for TV stations is the statement that many purchase decisions are still made on the couch. However, here also smartphone and tablet play a role that can be used in parallel to the TV.

couch King

Various media channels and their properties

No medium has an exclusive access to the customer – and individual media are often used in parallel or serially.

Multi Channel Device

The Chinese are coming … and move past,

In 2000 made Europeans, U.S. and Canada almost 2/3 of Internet users. Meanwhile, we are only 1/3 System. China, South America and even Africa to take on enormous importance.

Asia, South America and Africa dominate the internet world

Internet users Worldwide by Region

Here is important information that these “new” Regions Mobile is often more important than desktop because in many regions no internet via cable but only are about wireless service provider.

Also at the conference always mentioned Buzzword “ Same Day Delivery ” is one of many places in Asia already standard. While in this country, DHL has created in this country with a Paket.de innovative platform for better parcel deliveries, so offers of Walmart at least 51% Chinese companies bought up yhd.com ( Yihaodian ) already in countless cities to 3 hours deliveries . For this, an armada of scooter riders also ensures accept the payment settlement. While invoicing and delivery at Ecommerce Stores in Germany are often omitted for risk reasons actually heard the Cash on Delivery in China and provides the standard for trust on both sides.

1,000 stores overnight with virtual product displays

Yihaodian caused a stir with an action, where they opened overnight 1,000 virtual stores throughout China. Instead of having the right products in stock, the product images with a QR code will be on display. The customer orders with his app and get it into a tight radius within 3 hours and 250 km radius within 12 hours delivered! This alone 100 stores have been placed on parking lots, subways, etc. in Beijing. But even without a store you can shop via an augmented reality app jederseit with his smartphone in a virtual shop.

Chinese will automatically


While many dealers in this country just as cheap production country China or overlooked at most see as a market for the many expansion of Chinese shops and businesses in the former contract countries USA, Canada, Germany, etc.

As Waack Torsten van Wasen of the group diligenZ New York and Dr. Dirk Seifert (Head of International Research Group on e-commerce, Fudan University, Shanghai , China enter) to think this process is already underway. Companies such as the online retailers JD.com has never heard of anyone here who are busy preparing for global expansion. Financial Mitel are available and the Chinese government subsidizes the export costs. Dr. Seifert provides this anecdote from an interview with representatives of JD.com:

Seifert: How do you want to get the products to Europe

? Chinese : The Chinese government has bought an airport in Hungary. As we send everything back and then spread it. The transports are subsidized by the government. When the time comes, we advertise from you. We want German developers and online marketing experts

success factors in e-commerce. Price, payment method, selection, …

The question which success factors in e-commerce on promising answered the Talk arvato (Bertelsmann subsidiary) and Plus.de with the following chart:

success factors in e-commerce

payment methods critical to customers

the payment methods is the classic account remains the most popular with the customer. Followed by the credit card. What is interesting is that Paypal has already Advance ranked third


account as a payment method leads to 79% decrease in purchasing dropout rate

To say a pay method is an important – but this chart summarizes the impact in numbers. Indication as to how many% of the purchase dropout rate decreases after one of these payment methods were added in the order process. We see we is the most popular payment method China’s “cash on delivery” is not even listed here with us.

average decline in the purchasing dropout rate with the introduction of the payment method

vs. customer. Creditworthiness of the customer

To reduce high defaults is recommended to display customized payment only after the contact data. Many larger collection agency here offer interfaces that perform within half a second query and issue a certification for payment by invoice or delivery or not. Customers with a bad credit rating can continue with the purchase and pay via instant bank transfer, credit card, Paypal, etc. without having to get actively displayed a negative decision

data entry before payment display decides whether such Purchase invoice will be offered.

The power of the brand … and what is it

eccentric Dietmar Dahmen of ecx.io presented some interesting and curious facts and theories, here times some in the overview:

  • According to a survey in partner relationships are most jealous of the iPhone the other
  • 68% of managers check their emails at least every 30 minutes. ” / li> We need to rethink: is normal online, offline is the exception

    Without brand is only the price important

    corporate philosophies have to be rethought – From Craft driven. to mission driven

  • example candle:
    Craft driven – I put candles forth
    mission driven – I bring light to my customers
  • Example Samsonite
    question can not be – What Samsonite from? but – What does Samsonite? – Samsonite sure helps to transport things. Under the mindset Samsonite could create a department for the safe transport of digital data.

    Be OFFENDER, not a VICTIM. Offenders find a way to force the target victim of the perforations. Do not swim in the mass “Beware the lollipop of mediocracy”

    Other interesting information, facts and ideas from Etailment Summit 2013

  • to include Social Media Social Events – Do not forget offline
  • Mobile First!. Check first that your business model works mobile and only then work on the desktop

    The Supplay chain in e-commerce is replaced by the demand chain. The customer to the service provider now when and where he wants to get his orders says. So Friday from 17:00 clock when he’s home or to the packing station nearby. If you want to internationalize to centralize and standardize. Sure, there are regional sub Schieder, but always respond to these in Ecommerce is too costly. Looking rather strong global partner instead of many local partners with different systems

    Google Adwords: It is always important to limit the campaigns than to define keywords. NOT what makes the difference to the success of. Online sales worldwide in 2012 was 1.000 billion dollars überschriten the limit

    2013 Asia overtake the U.S. in online sales

  • Alibaba makes $ 160 billion in sales – much as the whole of Europe
  • In New York, you see tourists in Starbucks because their coffee they have not been previously appointed with an app and just pick up and with the pay NFC phone, but stand in line.

    And the Internet of Things will of course also. Change machines e.g. Prices of products by popularity and temperature and report exactly what needs to be refilled

    Ps. All data are otherwise subject to change. They come from the speakers or films made notes on the lectures. If you have any other numbers or I have misquoted you, so please write a comment, I would like to correct this

    Pps:. I am very happy if you link to me and / or page via Facebook, Twitter, RSS, newsletters, etc. follows :-)