9:26 AM

The 10 best internet browser in comparison to download

the Internet there are a variety of different internet browser. But which browser is the fastest, safest and most user-friendly? This browser comparison shows you a list of the 10 fastest and best browser on the Internet.

The list is based on a detailed review of the platform Top10Reviews. For the ranking of several factors were pulled to the side and compared. These included the number of features included , the Security , the Speed ​​, the usability , compatibility with operating systems and handling , as well as the Help and Support of the individual Internet browser.

Any factor, such as speed, was again in several factors (how fast the browser starts and how fast it loads pages) divided so that a total of 35 factors in this browser-ranking play a role. The central test results of the internet browser comparison are the following chart illustrates:

The 10 fastest & best internet Browser

internet browser in the test – Top 10 Browsers in comparison (Source: Top10reviews.com)

Place 1 Google Chrome

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No. 1 has made the Chrome browser from Google. This excelled in all fields 9.85 and collected with the most points. The software giant has spared no ends to develop the best, fastest and most secure browser in the world. Each of the moves on the Internet, Chrome should take a chance and download and test the browser from Google. Despite the many advantages of the browser came again and again because of privacy concerns in the criticism. After violent protests but Google has disabled some questionable features again and the Privacy Policy should now be about as strong or weak as in other browsers.

With Google Chromebooks is now also own laptops which are specifically geared to the browser and the use of Internet cloud services. To merge Internet browser and hardware into a single tool for Webnomaden.

2 Mozilla


2nd place goes to the web browser by Mozilla. The non-profit organization has managed for decades and on non-profit basis to program a browser that is technically a nose ahead of Internet Explorer from Microsoft when it comes to popularity surpasses by far. There are even ways to makefaster than it already is. The page TechFacts has a few tricks together like you can make yourbrowser faster. Many addons allow you to set all the web browser on their needs, which obviously well received by users.

Instead of a notebook, Mozillahas for the Development mobile phones decided. Also here are browsers and smartphone still grow together.


Internet Explorer

In recent years, Internet Explorer came often in the headlines, mainly because its lack of security. In recent months and weeks it has been quiet around the , because most security problems have been solved. With a rating of 9.08 of the Internet browser from Microsoft on the technical side, just behind Mozilla, but can with the popularity of Mozilladoes not keep up, of course. However, Microsoft has recognized that it must not stand still technically developed and the browser again continuously.




Opera is an independent Scandinavian company. Over 20 years ago the company began free information and make it available for everyone worldwide. Opera is a web browser that runs on computers, phones and any other devices, from televisions to tablets to gaming consoles. As the Internet Explorer features the Opera browser with a high set of features and a good help as well as a good support. Also on smartphones Mobile browser Opera is now very popular.

5 Safari browser

Safari browser download

A little disappointing is the Safari browser from Apple in 5th place with 8.7 points. This is also a high value on the scale, but Apple needs especially on the set of the features will work to achieve a higher score. The browser of Apple is indeed extremely easy to use, but lacks some of the standard features of http://www.trendsderzukunft.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Internet-Explorer-von-Microsoft.jpg, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Nevertheless, the Safari browser from Apple is of course indispensable for most Apple users.

6 Maxthon browser cloud

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http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/TrendsDerZukunft?d=yIl2AUoC8zA is unique in its shape. The relatively unknown browser convinced by an innovative browser design uses the two browser engines, Webkit and Trident. efficiency and promptness in representing and rendering of web pages are Maxthon trademark. With an award-winning HTML5 support and the many features already built enables the Maxthon browser cloud users reproduce Web content and data in a simple manner between different devices – all in the cloud. About Android and iTunes apps cloud browser also runs on smartphones and tablets.

7 RockMelt Social Browser (acquired by Yahoo)

RockMelt browser – no download is currently available

RockMelt Although the list is number 7, but RockMelt is actually the candidate for the newcomers in recent years. The new browser convinced to shine through the web by a new way. Simple intuitive, social, that was RockMelt. Unfortunately the browser with its social approach and its RockMelt not

Apps succeeded the breakthrough. Recently, however, was acquired by Yahoo RockMelt. According to Marissa Meyer, the new boss of Yahoo’s technology is now being incorporated into all possible applications of Yahoo behind RockMelt. The internet browser and RockMelt apps are no longer supported as of the end of August 2013, and also the download was already disabled . On the website, although the app to be announced, but they can no longer download to the regret of many. We’ll see what Yahoo does it.

8 Seamonkey browser

browser download

The SeaMonkey project is a community of software engineers who develop the SeaMonkey All-In-One Suite . There is an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client with an included RSS reader , HTML editor, IRC chat and various web development tools at the Seamonkey browser suite. SeaMonkey convinced by safety, and is especially recommended and designed for advanced users as well as web developers.


DeepNet Explorer

Deepnet Explorer

Deepnet Explorer was the first anti-phishing web browser in the world, which helped millions of internet users to protect against phishing software. Today all leading web browsers have a anti-phishing feature . The main purpose of phishing sites and software, it was to steal the users online identity and even today this is still walk and add, but in different ways. Today, Trojans are used and this time commanding Deepnet Explorer continues as the first with new potential dangers in web browsing apart. The has pioneered new technologies when it comes to combat harmful software online browsing. Since this is Deepnet’s only real big advantage to all other browsers, this only ends up in 9th place



was first offered for download 2002. It is clear that a small company like Avant Force can not really keep up with Mozilla, Microsoft, Apple or Google. Nevertheless: The has existed for more than 11 years and will keep you up to date. In the test, the browser failed in its safety and reached only 6:58 only points and thus the last place in the ranking for the 10 fastest & best Internet browser.

Summary of the browser


desktop area are new and lesser-known browsers barely passing Chrome,and Internet Explorer. Apple’s Safari owes its popularity is probably only the unconditional loyalty of Apple disciples.

It will be exciting now with the increasing mobile internet usage on tablets and smartphones. This is a new space for mobile browser that can best address the changing demands. Cloud solutions and networked browsers synchronize the desktop, mobile and tablet here probably in the lead.