8:47 AM

New Game for Children – This interactive table animated children to eat fruit and vegetables -. playful

A clever invention is a new game called “Pixelate” of the developer and inventor Sures Kumar Srinivasan. In combination with an interactive table including interactive cutlery like fork and knife the game animated children to eat fresh fruit and vegetables – playful and guaranteed.

Pixelate – New game for kids

The Game Pixelate is only possible in combination with a special interactive table. The game is not just an interactive table but also fresh fruit and vegetables, which lies on the plates. The aim of the game is primarily designed for children, to eat up the right vegetables and fresh fruit in the correct order is. This is placed on the plates of fresh fruit and vegetables, that is absorbed through interactive cutlery. The game recognizes the type of the particular fruit fork which senses the voltage in the respective food. This allows the fork to see what kind of fruit or vegetable it is. The game is developed in Open Frameworks and using the Arduino interface and exhibited in the Henry Moore Gallery at the Royal College of Art in London.

Guaranteed Delicious, healthy and fun making

Game Pixelate is a prime example of “gamification” where normal processes in the life and work are converted into playfulness to increase the learning or Wish factor. The game is easy to believe. Due to surprisingly fresh idea and successful implementation Pixelate with children are guaranteed with playful ease introduced to the taste of fruits and vegetables. And it is delicious, healthy and a lot of fun

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    Pixelate video to play

    Interactive table animated children to eat fruit and vegetables – Playful
