11:58 AM

Heineken beer – could in the future as many other drinks cooled by Rapid Cool

Rapid Cool is a project that was launched by the European Union and has since been heavily promoted because it saves enormous amounts of energy. Rapid Cool cools every cold drink ice cold within seconds and to ensure that the refrigerators of Coca-Cola Co. and disappear in supermarkets, shops and kiosks that waste huge amounts of power for getting out of this. Rapid Cool is in the truest sense of the word a really cool project. Rapid Cool work shows how easy this product.

“Rapid Cool” – cool drinks in seconds

We had already seen the foam for cooling beers from Japan, but Rapid Cool works a bit differently – to be more exact. For in contrast to the cooling foam cools the entire Rapid Cool drink and even to the lengths faster than the cold foam from Japan. Rapid Cool is supported by the company Enviro-Cool Limited and the system for cooling drinks almost looks like a fridge but is more efficient at length, because it only consumes power when it is needed is as follows:

  1. You, the can or bottle in the holder provided.
    The Rapid Cool cooling system - Prototype

    The Rapid Cool Cooling system -. prototype

  2. You press the button and wait 20 seconds

    One gets the drink out and enjoy the cool experience.

Rapid Cool will replace the old refrigerators

The Rapid Cool system is already in the advanced prototype stage and could soon be used come. The company promises energy savings of 54-80% for shops, supermarkets and kiosks. Now that’s a reason to purchase the system, especially it is certainly still subsidized by the European Union. In short, there could soon be very uncomfortable for the manufacturer of refrigerators for shops, supermarkets and kiosks, for the Rapid Cool System will come and the old “boring” crowd out methods for cooling drinks in markets. Then it’s only “zischhhh” and 20 seconds later the ice drink is. . Perfect for summer

video for Rapid Cool

right;”> Image credits: Heineken – source