5:15 AM

UN is convinced climate change by human hand

Climate change concerns us all something to, because if you look up into the clouds what you see there? Many gray colors in the once white wool. The extremely fast and above all unpredictable climate change is caused mainly by human hand, the UN and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (which consists of the World Meteorological Association and the United Nations Environment Programme) since this morning safer than ever before. The greenhouse gases caused mainly by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil and wood effect not only that more and more of the white clouds in the sky disappear, but also break ice glaciers in the size of entire countries and thus push up the water level. Especially deep-situated countries like Holland are but have to fight in the future with this problem not only because the polluted air we breathe is next to the destroyed ozone layer two additional relevant issues to the global climate change of extreme and continuous supply of toxic gases in the Great style is thrown into our atmosphere.

The UN is now 95% sure – Climate change is generated by people

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the UN is responsible for the monitoring of climate on our planet and the consortium, as a spokesman said this morning, 95% sure that the enormous climate change, including all consequences such as increased cancer rates by human hand is generated. But the burning of fossil fuels contributes to 50% of global climate change and you do not even have to go far to the spectacle, though on a small scale but still intensive to look at. Clever way, the poison gas made transparent, so that we no longer meet black clouds, but you just do not see the poison. This keeps us not to throw them from a closer look at the issue and to clarify the issue for those who have not yet recognized.

no surprise and yet a “Oh my God”


them out of the windows, you go on the road and breathe in a breath of passing cars and buses. They realize directly the effect on their own body and that was probably only one or two cars. Now go to a big city like Berlin at a major intersection and breathe the air there. Result = unbearable for people who are not used to it, for which there are, indeed probably belonging to the group that is at risk of developing cancer at an early stage. And the best is yet to come: Close your eyes. Wait 30 seconds and open it again. Re are hundreds of cars at the same intersection – but not the same – different. And push all their invisible and highly toxic gases into the streets, in our airways, in the air of this earth. And that was just a crossing in Berlin in 30 seconds. Now we zoom out. See the many other crossings in Berlin, the highways, the highways, the districts of Berlin, the nearer cities throughout Germany, the whole world and realize, “Oh my God” Those are hundreds of millions of cars just this minute and if you which extrapolates to the whole day, adding them to a whole week, a whole year, for the last century and all the factories but one wonders: Where is all the poison out? Not guaranteed in the universe, but long ago in us

. Tip:

  • 10 methods to generate green electricity
  • film to protect our earth: Home

    right;”> Source: UN report