2:51 PM


Many people like to go jogging with friends to motivate yourself to this sport. A new invention RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) in Melbourne makes Arrange to meet with friends for a jog now redundant especially since it is not always possible to find common times. Nevertheless, to have a partner who was motivated to run a training now invented a flying quadricopter that can accompany the runners at every turn. He not only flies behind, Joggobot flies ahead to motivate you and show the way GPRS controlled.

Joggobot – running with a flying robot

course it is a bit “strange” with a flying robot run to go rather than with one of his friends, but Joggobot does his job really well and somewhere he has actually the potential to change social-run sports sustainable. Especially people who are hard to motivate alone could benefit from the Quadrocopter running partner. The idea behind the running with a flying robot instead of friends, there are now also seen as a video. The Research Lab, which is responsible for the development of Joggobots called “Exertion Games Lab”. The laboratory invented for quite some time, several interesting concepts for change of social interaction in games. A visit to the website of the Research Labs and the reputation of the various projects is recommended.

video for “Joggobot” RMIT University

Website of the Exertion Games Lab Melbourne