6:56 PM


This stone is a “spy stone” for the U.S.

This stone is not ordinary stone, but it looks like an ordinary stone. No, this stone is actually a high-tech invention of the U.S. American company Lockheed Martin, which. Already in the past, as well as DARPA, the company has developed an innovative high-tech toys for U.S. intelligence agencies and the military The latest invention of Lockheed Martin is a rock spying for the United States. Such stones can be left just lying by soldiers and troops, because they do not fall to the enemy and meet plus several useful functions.

spy rock the United States

Actually one hiding under stones house key, but the U.S. will know better once again. Hide house keys under rocks is out, what is in vogue, the smallest miniature to hide spy cameras are not only stones but equal to obstruct in the stone. So not only specific coordinates to the main headquarters can be sent, but also small cameras are moved out to the location to check out. Microphones are of themselves as well as movements on command and solar panels to power in design always look for the little spy stone with electricity. You should pay more attention to stones lying around in the future, because this could lead to the arsenal of spy stones include the United States. Flying spy robot birds and real espionage cats we already had. What’s next? A big cat robot who follows you like a terminator with 70 km / h? Oh no, because there are in fact already – see the Cheeta – The big cat robot in the USA

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    Video: U.S. spy stone as an example

    The following

    stone was of Russian soldiers on Russian soil in year 2012. The idea has therefore been in a long time but the spy stones of the future will be better, smaller, more modern and not only used in the future as a communication tool.

    Image credits: Lockheed Martin – Source: Wired