5:38 PM
Virtual Food - taste test online

Virtual Food – taste test online Credits: Aniplex

What if you could taste food, without which one it actually eats almost a taste test on a digital basis? We have already heard that there are movie theaters where the audience not only see a movie, hear and feel but can also smell. Even that can be digitally taste in the future things is new and also quite unimaginable, but scientists at the University of Singapore, a first step in such a future is successful. The University has launched a tongue-electrode, can mimic the flavors by temperature changes and the change of electrical voltage.

New technology allows digital taste test

Imagine: you surf the Internet in search of food, eg on Amazon, a new chocolate. Unfortunately, this can not (yet) in the taste test, so that would be a superb idea if you could but it. The University of Singapore experentiert with a new technology, the flavor applications could make real. To this end, an electrode is clamped to the tongue that can simulate by using temperature change and the change of electric voltage, the four main tastes of sweet, salty, bitter and sour. The technology is not harmful of course, and the scientists hope to make this in the future, user-friendly examples, as shown above, actually turn into reality.


TV cooking shows soon at home?

A good application for this new technology from Singapore are of course cooking shows. Too often you sit watching TV and wonders how the courts would probably taste. Digital taste tests could satisfy the desire for this knowledge and make the taste of the food virtual or digital accessible. But the scientists also need to remember that tastes are perceived very differently and that these fully unfold in conjunction with smell, the texture as well as appearance. According to the New Scientist, scientists are working on exactly this combination of virtual taste test as realistic and appetizing as possible.

video for virtual taste test