6:47 AM

Richard Branson and Co. – http://www.trendsderzukunft.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/5-Wege-zum-Multi-Milliardaeren.jpg

If we three can learn things of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time then there are the ones that the way to multi-billion no easier and guarantees is not anticipated that they will make mistakes over and over again and you put it on the classic “self-made Billionare “should make way, ie you should start from the very bottom with the most mundane business ideas and work out everything piece by piece. Is especially critical that one is constantly on guard, the one not infrequently encounter by chance for the small and large occasions all the right people (some of them are even very good friends) estimates and the relationship maintains, as well as common sense can play when it comes to risk assessment – which is one of steady Hautpaufgaben an entrepreneur. Some of the most successful businessmen in general, including Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Mark Cuban have shown us – their paths to multi-billionaires were now being held which gives us useful knowledge on the way to a billion in a info-graphic more-26788

The 5 Ways of multi-billionaires

5 Ways to multi-billionaire – Richard Branson is getting to the point: opportunities are like buses – if you miss the one is guaranteed another

Start Small -. Think Big

The info-graphic illustrates the paths of five multi-billionaires. Almost all of them started with mundane business ideas. Richard Branson has earned with the sale of Christmas trees, his first money, then a student-run magazine to open a recording studio in the connection and so on. Mark Cuban has sold in his career garbage bags, newspapers Sheldon Adelson, Eric Lefkovski carpets and Elon Musk self-written software. All have just begun somewhere to make money and then invest in connecting their earned money in new opportunities. I also remember a section of a book of Branson, describing a very difficult time during the construction of his studios and the following music labels Virgin Music. There were times (and not a few) in which his company had already virtually bankrupt – where there was simply no money. What Branson has done in this situation? He can attract new opportunities and people – he always believed in mind that he would do it in such emergencies and forced his luck brought about by actively approached new. He knew he should not stand around, he had to swear the opportunities brought about, and so he was always weider the right people who believed in him and chose him and so kept his company on the brink of. It was definitely the right decision – pro-actively contrived from Branson. So you have to always be ready, things that you need to pick up – especially in hard times -. They are actively looking for

Know your target – Stay flexible on your way

The Infographic shows further: There are 1426 billionaires worldwide. 960 of them have managed to save over the “self-made” way, ie from the bottom and on their own (of course with the support of many people and many other good friends) so much money or value. Only 130 have used this only a business idea. 860 billionaires took several tries and companies to get at these huge sums of money. The essence remains: Start small and stay flexible when it comes to discover opportunities and to take these into attack. You know from the outset your goal, but the way there that can not be planned, you have these tracks you

right;”> source. The Entrepreneur