1:05 PM

innovation in shipping – ship breaking waves of the page

Some of us know the feeling of being seasick. It stands on a large cruise ship and this bouncing back and forth, because big waves hit the side of the ship. The two companies Hoppe Navy and Marintek from Norway have an innovative solution to this problem. A ship that breaking waves generated by the waves of the page inside. The ship is being built in South Korea and is to be completed no later than 2015.

ship waves generated by breaking waves

In the following video, the two companies show two models of the face. The ship on the left uses the special water tanks, controlled by computer to produce waves inside to counteract the force of the waves from the side. The model no longer wobbles almost. In contrast to the conventional model on the right side. This ship, you can see it exactly, is hit by the waves on the backboard side and bobs while driving back and forth.

cruises might lengths to be quiet

Modern cruise ships have been going with highly modern technology across the oceans, but not always, the ride on the “floating hotels” quiet. With this innovation, the two Norwegian companies Marine Hoppe and Marintek in shipping, which basically consists of a very simple and effective system which could Cruises lengths to be enjoyable. But it will of course take a little time for this innovation is extensively used in shipping, as the old ships are far from obsolete. A beginning has, however, done with this system

video. Innovation in shipping

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