2:49 PM

quantum computer – D-Wave Google and NASA

quantum computer – what is it? Actually a good question and a basic, because quantum computers could the 21 Century largely a say, because quantum computers are a big step in a new, often faster computer world. A world where things like artificial intelligence could be mastered with ease, without the need for a whole host farm for a cyborg. Smallest miniature computer will bring in the future, the computing power today, Google with all their servers worldwide to all users simultaneously. Quantum computer, the path to such a future and to clarify what is involved in are the topic of “quantum computing”, Google has provided a great explanation video in collaboration with NASA and the company D-Wave online.

Quantum Computers: An explanation of Google

The computer as we know it today, use the basic conditions “A” or “off” or 0 and 1 to represent information. The quantum computers differ materially from digital computers is that they no longer work on the laws of classical physics or computer science, but on the basis of quantum-mechanical states. Long chains of 0 and 1 are completely unnecessary in a quantum computer because the states are simply superimposed quasi displayed simultaneously. Quantum computers are a very exciting future theme and each of a little interested in this should read on Wikipedia begin to or simply watch the explanation video from Google where one of the first quantum computer in the world is introduced (D-Wave).

video of the quantum computer