5:12 AM



business contacts are LinkedIn or Xing, for friendship and family connections Facebook, Twitter, Path, Pinterest. For the police, but there was until recently no specific network. With the Police Social Network “Blue Line” should change so now. The network for police officers are there for the time being although only in the U.S., but soon a police network here in Europe and Germany could appear. We have the Police Social Network Blue Line looked at a little closer.

Blue Line – A social network for police officers

In the press release of the company’s “Blue Line” is “We want the Facebook for the police to be, but tailored without any fun photos and gaming applications but specifically on the professional life and the special interests of policemen “ That sounds once after a good thing for the police, which has long been a combination of these type missing in the online world. Although police often act locally, but nevertheless it is interesting to know what other officers do in other cities, what trends they see what new drugs coming onto the market which weapons trends, what specific fitness and martial arts exercises there and so on. Also in the police much goes like Facebook on the recommendation business.

The Police Social Network “Blue Line”

The Social Network Blue Line from the USA makes it like on Facebook News in police work to share. It also allows Blue Line in combination with Google Hangouts to be connected with up to 12 Poilzeibeamten via video chat and discuss things. The entire network is designed to improve cooperation between police officers to strengthen and of course equipped with the highest security to the NSA spying to stop, for example. Blue Line is therefore more than a LinkedIn Facebook. The business model in the United States is based mainly on the sale of weapons and ammunition, which is of course impossible here in Europe. Nevertheless, one could well imagine that such a network will soon be released in Europe. There is internal, yet transparent and could strengthen the police work in general. It will be interesting.

Top 3 Trends police here on the blog

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    Artificial DNA material to convict criminals

    Source: Ubergizmo Topic: Mashable