5:51 AM

http://www.trendsderzukunft.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Neues-Interface-der-Zukunft-Touch-in-the-Air.jpg has been realized. credits: Paramount Pictures and Marvel

Just now we had introduced the latest addition to the Disney Research Labs, which touch experience on a 3D touch screen allows smooth and even though this are flat. The following example UltraHaptics even goes a step further and allows to make tangible objects via ultrasonic waves do not exist. Such interfaces so far we know only from movies like Iron Man, but the latest invention from the University of Bristol shows: Such interfaces are no longer just a dream – they exist.

UltraHaptics – An interface as in “Iron Man”

The University of Bristol is known for research on new computer -human interfaces, and has made a number of occasions to gain attention new invention. The latest prototype of a so-called UltraHaptic interface but now could mean a breakthrough in this area and for the University, for the interface allows to make tangible objects directly in the air, without which they exist. The principle of the new interface is relatively simple. Generating ultrasonic waves in the air at specific positions in space accurately set vibrations. These vibrations are generated and positioned exactly in the room that the skin on the finger starts to vibrate. Our brain interprets these vibrations as mass as a real button or switch, depending on the vibration mode even with a certain structure.

The latest UltraHaptic development at the University of Bristol can be considered a real breakthrough, because by such an interface are visions in movies like Iron Man possible. In principle, it is only a matter of time, the cost of production and possibly even a little development time to perfect the new interface until we soon be able to touch objects in the air, without which they exist at all – exactly like Tony Stark in Iron Man as seen above in the picture. Such a future is before us and more than we can ausprechen the future.

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    Video: Iron Man UltraHaptics makes possible interface

    right;”> Source: University of Bristol