5:28 PM

How to Increase Video SEO: Strategies for Search Engine Results
Look at the analytics for your site and you'll see that most of your traffic comes not from bookmarks or referrals, but from search engines. Increasing that traffic is crucial, and is the heart of search engine optimization (SEO). When adopting video …
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Long-Time Voice in the Industry Jill Whalen Says Goodbye to SEO
Jill Whalen of High Rankings has been a voice in the SEO community since SEO was in its infancy. This week, she announced she was officially leaving SEO in pursuit of other interests. In her newsletter, the High Rankings Advisor, she talked about her …
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Strategies: How to appear in overseas search engines
Companies spend a lot of money on advertising campaigns, social media launches, Adwords, URLs and other means of promotion to get found on Google or to get to the top of search engines. Yahoo, Bing and Youtube (as well as hundreds of others) offer …
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RIP, Ren Warmuz, Founder & CEO Of Trellian
Ren Warmuz Veterans of the SEO space will know the name Trellian, a long-time SEO tools company. Veterans may also remember at some of the early search conferences often seeing the Warmuz brothers walking around, Ren and David. Sad news today …
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Search engines' liability and freedom of speech
On November 29, 2012, Division 2 of the Federal Court of Appeals in Civil Commercial Matters, in re: "Albertario, Claudia Patricia v. Yahoo de Argentina et al", affirmed the rejection of the preliminary injunction requested by model Claudia Albertario …
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